Mikal Nallie-Howell » Schedule


1st period - 7th period - Behavior Education and Skills Training 
I am Mikal Nallie-Howell. This is my 23rd year of teaching, and my 15th year at Fairmont Junior High.  I am a certified ELA and Special Education teacher. I graduated from La Marque High School in 1995 (Go COOGS!) and Texas A&M University in 1999 (Gig Em' Aggies)! I have been married for just over a year, and I have a 23 year old son who also attended FJH!
This year, I will be piloting a new program titled BEST (Behavior Education and Skills Training). I am excited to work with students practicing skills that will help them positively engage in social situations and prepare them for a successful post-secondary life.
I am also the Special Education Department Chair. If you ever have any questions about any student who may receive services in the Special Education program at FJH, feel free to give me a call or send an email.
I am looking forward to the best year in education yet!! Thank you for trusting your babies with us! They are in GREAT hands!